Recipe: Tasty Blueberry Cookie Choux

Blueberry Cookie Choux. Using a piping bag, place the choux on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Resep ini yang saya tampilkan untuk Kontes Jom The Bakar. Makanya saya Excited untuk Share dengan anda semuanya.

Blueberry Cookie Choux Give a try and Happy Cooking guy's 😘😘😘 The resulting recipe is called choux au craquelin. It's the ultimate crispy cream puff—a perfect contrast of textures once it gives way to plenty of luscious cream inside. It's also gorgeous, the cookie dough forming a rough, craggy top in the oven and transforming the cream puff into something that looks entirely new and different. You can cook Blueberry Cookie Choux using 20 ingredients and 15 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ramuan Blueberry Cookie Choux

  1. It's of πŸ‘‰ Topping Cookie/Craquelin.
  2. You need 60 gm of Butter.
  3. You need 60 gm of Gula Pasir.
  4. You need 60 gr of Tepung Gandum.
  5. You need 1/2 Tsp of Blueberry Emulco.
  6. It's of Secukup Pewarna Ungu (5 titis).
  7. Prepare of πŸ‘‰ Filling/ Isian.
  8. Prepare 250 ml of Whipping Cream.
  9. You need 100 gr of Blueberry Jam.
  10. You need of πŸ‘‰ Cream Puff.
  11. Prepare 60 gm of Butter.
  12. It's 1 gm of Garam Halus.
  13. It's 60 ml of Air.
  14. Prepare 60 gm of Susu Cair Full Cream/Fresh Milk.
  15. Prepare 65 gm of Tepung Gandum/Tepung Cake.
  16. Prepare 110 gr of Tepung (2 Biji Telur).
  17. You need of πŸ‘‰ Garnish.
  18. You need of Blueberry.
  19. It's Daun of Mint.
  20. You need of Blueberry Whipped Cream.

For the pearls I used Sixlets Candy and fresh blueberries. To make Seashell Cream Puffs you need: Pate Choux Dough Today I'm going to be talking about the Etude House Lovely Cook ie Blushers! I co mpleted the set of these blushes sometime last year, an d it's take n me a couple of month s to photograph and review these blushes because I had a very hard time capturing how these blushes look on the cheeks which is super frustrating. Transfer to a pastry bag and pipe large rounds of chou dough onto prepared baking sheet.

Langkah memasak Blueberry Cookie Choux

  1. Sediakan semua bahan.
  2. Topping Cookie/Craquelin : Kacau Butter hingga lembut dan berkrim, Masukkan Gula Pasir..
  3. Kacau hingga sebati. Masukkan tepung, gaulkan kembali hingga sebati..
  4. Tuangkan Blueberry Emulco, gaulkan sebati. Masukan beberapa titis Pewarna ungu,.
  5. Kacau sebati. Siapkan 2 helai Baking Paper,Letakan Doh di atasnya, dan tutup kembali dengan Baking Paper, kemudian gelekan /Nipiskan Doh dengan rolling pin,j angan terlalu tipis dan jangan terlalu tebal. Simpan Doh di dalam peti ais selama 30 Minit, sehingga agak Keras..
  6. Filling/Isian : MIXER Whipping Cream sehingga berkirim, kemudian tuangkan Blueberry Jam,.
  7. Kacau sehingga rata dengan menggunakan spatula. Kemudian masukan kedalam Piping bagi. Letakkan di dalam peti sejuk..
  8. Choux Pastry/ Puff : Masukan Kedalam Periuk/ Milk Pan,Butter, Garam Halus, Air, dan Susu Cair, Rebus hingga mendidih. Tutup api, Masukkan Tepung....
  9. Aduk cepat hingga tercampur rata. Masak kembali di atas Api kecil selama 2-3 Minit, sambil terus di kacau dengan spatula, sampai kalis. Tutup Api. Pindahkan adunan Kedalam Mangkuk, biarkan hingga Sejuk.
  10. Masukan Telur yang telah di pukul dengan Garpu, secara bertahap, dan Kacau adunan hingga betul-betul sebati. Masukan adunan Kedalam Piping bag.,beri Nozzle bulat..
  11. Piping kan adunan di atas dulang pembakar yang di lapikkan dengan Baking Paper, Keluarkan craquelin dari peti ais dan potong bulat menggunakan Cookie Cutter, dan letakan di atas adunan Cream Puff..
  12. Panaskan oven selama 15 Minit dengan Suhu 180 darjah celcius. Bakar selama 20 Minit sampai mengembang. Setelah matang angkat letakan di atas Cooling Rack, biarkan agak sejuk,lalu beri lubang di bagian bawah dan isikan dengan Blueberry Whipped Cream..
  13. Hias dengan Blueberry Whipped Cream, Blueberry, dan,Daun Mint. Sedia di Hidang. Enjoy... Yummy 🀀🀀🀀 Sedap.... sangat. I love it 😁.
  14. Blueberry Cookie Choux Ready to Serve... Enjoy.... Yummy 🀀🀀🀀.
  15. Selamat mencuba dan semoga bermanfaat 😘😘😘.

Place a flower-shaped cookie on top of each. Pipe small rounds to be used for the faces. Allow to cool, then pipe caramel cream into each chou, and use mini chou and chocolate to make the faces. Today we will be focusing on a cream puff — a cream puff filled with the dreamiest whipped earl grey chocolate ganache and blueberry whipped cream. Choux Pastry can be used in anything from cream puffs, profiteroles, and eclairs to churros, croquembouche, French cruller donuts, choux beignets, and gougΓ¨res!