Recipe: Delicious Strawberry Cheese Cake

Strawberry Cheese Cake.

Strawberry Cheese Cake You can have Strawberry Cheese Cake using 22 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ramuan Strawberry Cheese Cake

  1. It's of Crust/Base.
  2. You need of 🍓 1 paket biskut marie Julies Milk -di blend halus.
  3. You need of 🍓 1/3 cwn nestum (optional).
  4. It's of 🍓 125gm mentega - dicairkan.
  5. It's of Cream Cheese.
  6. Prepare of 🧀 250gm cream cheese.
  7. Prepare of 🧀 1 cwn gula aising.
  8. It's of 🧀 1 cwn dairy whipping cream.
  9. You need of 🧀 10 biji strawberi - di blend halus + 3 sudu bsr air masak.
  10. Prepare of 🧀 6 biji strawberi - di potong kecil.
  11. It's of 🧀 2 sudu bsr gelatin*.
  12. Prepare of 🧀 1/2 cwn air panas*.
  13. It's of (bahan2 bertanda * di larutkan di atas api seketika).
  14. Prepare of Puri.
  15. Prepare of 🍓 10 biji strawberi.
  16. You need of 🍓 5 sudu bsr gula.
  17. You need of 🍓 5 sudu bsr air masak.
  18. You need of 🍓 1 1/2 sudu bsr gelatin*.
  19. It's of 🍓 5 sudu bsr air panas*.
  20. You need of (bahan2 bertanda di larutkan di atas api seketika).
  21. You need of 🍓 pewarna merah.
  22. It's of 🍓 4-5 biji strawberi - potong nipis.

Langkah memasak Strawberry Cheese Cake

  1. (Crust/Base) Satukan semua bahan2. Kacau rata. Tuang ke dlm loyang tapak yg boleh di buka @ springfoam saiz 8. Ratakan & tekan hingga padat. Sejukkan di dlm peti ais 1 jam.
  2. (Cream Cheese) Pukul cream cheese dgn gula hingga kembang. Di dlm bekas lain, pukul whipping cream hingga kental & masukkan ke dlm cream cheese tadi. Pukul lagi hingga sebati.
  3. Masukkan strawberi yg di blend & gelatin. Pukul lagi. Kemudian, masukkan strawberi yg di potong kecil. Campur sedikit pewarna merah (optional) Kacau & tuang ke atas crust yg telah keras tadi. Ratakan. Sejukkan di dlm peti ais selama 3-4 jam.
  4. (Puri) Blend strawberi dgn air & gula. Tapiskan. Masukkan gelatin & pewarna merah. Kacau rata. Tuang ke atas cream cheese yg telah keras. Sejukkan di dlm peti ais selama 2-3 jam @ semalaman.
  5. Hias dgn hirisan strawberi & fresh cream. Sedap di makan sejuk2.